Perceus Dalthen

A Grumpy Miqo'te, searching for answers while trying to find his place.


Likes - Hunting, Music, Writing
Dislikes - Sweets, Swimming, Senseless Conversation
Terrified Of - Heights
Favorite Foods - Jerky, Bread, Cheese
Favorite Drinks - Tea, Goat Milk
Favorite Colors - Lavender, Dark Blue

Items to Note

Hair - Black with Subtle Blue Highlights
Skin - Light Cream
Eyes - White (Left Eye) and Emerald (Right Eye)
Height - 5'7''
Weight - 147
Build - Athletic
Scars - A deep, long scar from back of his left hip, to the middle of his back. Another on his right forearm from his sister. Another on his chest (pretty gnarly looking) from his sister. There's also a small mark on his face.
Other - He is not blind, its just a pigmentation issue. He has a deep scar on his lower back from hip to thigh. And a small one between his eyes from a fall when he was younger.


Entry 117 - Therapy is going good, I suppose. Still feel like complete shite, but I'm doing what I can. Not having time outside or being able to hunt is really grating on me, though. All I do is sit in my room... Constantly. I want to stay with the Hall, because I feel that I owe them - the Captain and Ahzra'li - so much. But, what good am I? I can't even help on the field now. Not sure I'll ever be able to go back to that. For now, I have to focus on myself. I have to get better.. Now if only I could have a full nights sleep.

Entry 114 - What can I do? I even managed to fuck up the only thing that meant something to me. I scared Mhridi'a. bad enough that he no longer wants me... It hurts. I don't know if it's even possible to fix. If it can be... Hawk is gone, Mhridi'a is gone, Dartius is gone, Zisha is gone... I'm not even sure why I'm still hanging around the Hall. If not for Law, I probably would have been gone by now. All I can do is hold my breath, pick myself up, and try to become a better person... So yeah, I'll take Lawrence's advice. One step at a time I guess...

Entry 39 - I'll find her. Soon. I feel like I'm close. I heard of a place called the New Dawn that could possibly help. Maybe they can lead me in the right direction, to help find Zisha. Here's to hoping!

Entry 8 - so muh to lern. i hate him

Entry 7 - a b c de f ghi j k l m n o pq r st u v w xyz

Entry 6 - a b c e d p f t tri to writ

Entry 1 - Sir gav teh ppr to me idont no wat to writ


CURRENTLY: Distracted by a little Seeker, Perceus finds himself entranced once more. This time feels... different... Is it?

PAST:Born to a good family, Percy had a normal, happy life in Gridania; besides his odd colored eyes. Some say he was born a curse. Others refused to believe it. It didn’t cause too many problems when he was young, that he knew of, but his parents dealt with a lot of closed minded people. He was the oldest child of two. His little sister’s name was Zisha and he was seven years her senior. She was three when their parents died to a group of rogues for who the hell knows what reason. Perceus had taken Zisha out for some festivities while their parents went to get food for them at a Gridania event, and never came back. It wasn’t until some time later in the night that Percy found their parents - dead just outside of Gridania, while carrying his sleeping sister around hours after the festivities were over.Unsure of what to do - and honestly traumatized - he took her home and never really was able to process his grief; now he had a little sister to care for. He didn’t have time. He still holds onto the memories of being angry for what happened, and to this day searches for the ones responsible. Especially considering they came back and took his sister a year after they lost their parents, for who knows what reason.Once Zisha was gone, and being the ripe age of eight, Percy had to make it on his own. Sure there were orphanages and what have you, but he needed to find his sister. It took years of his life from him. He scrounged for food, and met a Bard one year while he was traveling. The man wanted nothing to do with him at first, but seeing Perceus was alone, and helpless, he took him in reluctantly. The man - named Sirun - decided to teach Percy how to take care of himself, so he no longer had to. But it had backfired when he became attached to the boy, and vise versa. Sirun was a lot like Percy’s father; kind, patient, but very stern and filled with strength. It was that strength that made Percy realize he could and would find the people who hurt his parents and took his sister.After spending a good four or five years with Sirun, and going on countless hunting trips for food and supplies, they were caught in the middle of a horrible storm north of Ishguard. Dragons attacked, and Sirun sacrificed himself to keep Percy safe; something he would have never done prior to knowing the boy.Percy escaped, barely, and has since been traveling around the world trying to find his place, and his sister, and their parents killers. Something he picked up from Sirun helped him in the field. Not only fighting wise, but he learned how to play the harp and flute. It provided other means to survive and make gil.While traveling, there were rumors of a band of rogues and thieves that sparked his interest. To find clues - and remember what he had learned - he began to journal, and its been the same ever since. He doesn’t feel any closer to solving the mysteries of his past life, but he doesn’t feel as though he hasn’t made any progress either.Now, in his journey to find Zisha, he has joined up with a company called New Dawn. His motivations are changing as he grows.

- Moving Forward - With too many things all happening at once, Perceus finally cut ties with New Dawn. He left with his promises of keeping the place a secret, and will forever keep his word. But that didn't help the painful twists of his heart as he left behind what he thought would have been his home, forever.
- Finding Himself - Perceus moved rooms; his old one had too many memories. Good and bad. He had lost so many things already, so finding a new place to settle in the Hall would help - he hoped. At the moment, it's likely the first time Percy has felt completely alone in a long while. There's a lot of thinking to be done.
- Missing - Perceus has been searching for his sister Zisha for years. All he knows is that there are people he wants dead. There may be some ties to the Garlean nation. Though there are no rumors and no information that Perceus knows of that points to the Empire.
- Little Bird - There's a hushed rumor lately about a man who's been searching for Perceus. The Miqo'te is oblivious to it, but whispers may be heard of a "half-ling".
- The Empire - Having fallen hard for a man named Neal Aan Dartius, Perceus has been searching for clues to find him. He knows that Dartius was taken to the Empire, but not where he is specifically.
- Misplaced- Perceus had not only been helped by a Garlean, but also helped the man, as well. Neal Aan Dartius had stolen his heart in such a short time, but it was something Percy hadn't felt in years. Love. Now, he's trying to find a way to get the man back, and to New Dawn; to safety. He's trying to do all he can, but it's only making him more and more desperate and depression.
- Misguided - After a turn of events, Perceus might have made a deal with someone he cannot take it back from. In a desperate plea to find the man he cares deeply for, he shook hands with a Voidsent. (You would not know this IC) He's also recently experienced something that has changed his mindset about physical touch... And not for the better.
- Broken Hearted - The events that followed finding Hawk, and traveling with new companions, led Percy to really fall apart. Upon seeing Hawk die in front of him, Percy lashed out, and was banned from the Hall. He came back with the exception that he were to attend therapy, carry no weapons, and go on no missions. And so far? Well...


Ratai - Mother (DEAD)
- A kind and gentle soul, Ratai lived a short life. Long enough to have children, and gone too soon. (RP more with Percy to find out how she died.)

Zisha - Sister
- Having found his sister, Perceus is doing what he can to keep her safe. Not that she has her memories, but she has her future. And if its up to the Hunter, it would be without Asher.

Asher - Sister's Fiance
- Perceus despises this man. He's not good for Zisha, and will never be good enough for Zisha. If he could, Percy would get rid of him by any means possible.

Ashe'a - Father (DEAD)
- Claiming to be Percy's father, Ashe'a once lived in peace with his two children, Perceus and Zisha, and his wife Ratai. (RP more with Percy to find out how he died.)

Sirun - Mentor (DEAD/MIA)
- Not much is known about Sirun. It's said that he was an older man who traveled the various ends of the Shroud and worked with the Adders to keep his boredom from peeking.
- He disappeared once Perceus was old enough to go out on his own. One day, gone.

Chip - Betrothed
- Meeting purely by chance, Perceus was smitten by the little Seeker. Though they have a long journey ahead of them, they fight together to make life worth it.


- #1 - If you travel in the shroud, it's likely you've seen a Miqo'te hunting. Percy tends not to interact with other people unless absolutely needed. Especially when he's hunting or trying to rest.
- #2 - Percy often visits Gridania for supplies and to visit the archers guild. he likes his skills to be fresh, and sharp.
- #3 - At the edges of the shroud, you may find Percy sneaking around Garlean camps. Perhaps he's looking for something. Or someone.

In Game - Perceus Dalthen or Aspen Yifae (On Balmung)Discord - #flourae0771Life: I am an older generation RPer, and I understand life gets busy at times. If you're looking to RP with me, and need to 'poof', please just warn me beforehand. Thanks!A little more about me:
- Themes I Like: Dark, Mature, Romance, Adventure, Gore, Violence, Angst, Character/Story Building.
- Looking For: Long-Term, literate RP. I tend to write fairly decent sized posts. I also tend to "mirror" whoever I am RPing if that's the case. Depends on the circumstance.
- Will Not: Mix OOC with IC. Keeping these two separate is a must. If my OC is mean to yours, falls in love, or marries (etc), It doesn't mean I am.